Civic Engagement at WP



Civic Engagement at WP



Civic Engagement at WP



Civic Engagement at WP



Civic Engagement at WP



A Core Value

At William Paterson University, civic engagement is one of the core values that is inherent in our mission and our Strategic Plan. We are one of the founding members of Campus Compact New Jersey, the statewide affiliate of the national Campus Compact that promotes public and community service to develop students' citizenship skills. In addition, William Paterson is the first public college or university in New Jersey with a civic engagement requirement as part of our University Core Curriculum.

Our commitment to civic engagement is demonstrated not only through our curriculum, but also through the wide range of co-curricular and extracurricular programs and activities that enable our students, faculty, and staff to get involved and make a difference in our community and far beyond. To further support our commitment to creating civically engaged citizens, The University expects that each student will participate in at least two low level and two high level activities before graduation (transfer students participate in one of each level). Information about these expectations and opportunities can be found at

This website provides a dynamic and up-to-the minute resource to help students, faculty, staff, community partners, and alumni in finding civic engagement opportunities and connections. It also highlights our growing accomplishments and features the many ways we are putting civic engagement into action every day at William Paterson.

Co-Coordinators for Civic Engagement
Donna Minnich-Spuhler

Director, Office of Campus Activities, Service, and Leadership

Jonathan M. Lincoln

Associate Provost, Curriculum and International Education

Matthew Mullins

Civic Engagement Coordinator

How You Can Get Involved
CASL: Community Service Opportunities

The most up-to-date listings of volunteer and community service opportunities offered through the Office of Campus Activities, Service, and Leadership.

Pioneer Life Digital Badge Program

Earn badges, show your accomplishments, build your resume with the Pioneer Life Digital Badge System!


Exercise your rights as a citizen. TurboVote is a nonpartisan system that makes it easy. Link to voter registration services and other information about upcoming elections.

Federal Work Study Employment in the Community

Perform community service through the Federal Work Study Program!

Click here for more opportunities »