WP Wireless is the next generation wireless network for William Paterson University. Features include: Enhanced Security with 802.1x Authentication Better compatibility with mobile devices such as iPhone, iPad, Android. These devices cache your username / password which means that you don't have to sign in every time you connect to the network with these devices Gaming Console Access - Resnet Students can now register their gaming consoles such as PS3, Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii and game wirelessly. The Wireless Networks associated with WP Wireless are: WP Wireless WP Wireless (5GHz) WP Wireless-Guest (Sponsored Accounts Only) If you have any trouble connecting to the new SSID's, please: 1. Follow the instructions located on the left navigation pane for the device you need to connect 2. or open a trouble ticket through our Helpdesk ticketing system. Select Your Platform: Windows 7 Windows Vista Windows XP Mac OSX Google Chromebook Android Kindle Fire iPhone/iPad/iTouch Sponsored Guests Game Consoles and Other Devices