Advertising in the University Commons

As the hub of campus life, the University Commons is a great location to promote your next event, job opportunities, and more! Below you will find the University’s posting policies, bulletin board locations, and contact information for our University Commons Operations marketing assistant.

University Commons Posting Contact Information
The UC Operations marketing assistant is here to help with any marketing questions you might have. Reach out to and someone will respond within three business days.

  • University Commons Posting Policy
  • Posting privileges are limited to approved student organizations, university departments, and external entities that promote events, initiatives, resources, and job openings.  Resources are defined as services and information that connect to the mission of the university.   

    Students, faculty and staff are asked to consider the diverse values, opinions and beliefs of the University community and prepare their materials with sensitivity toward that diversity. Postings will not be approved that: 

    • Endanger the health or safety of an individual or group;  
    • Utilize sexually explicit or obscene material;  
    • Violate the New Jersey Criminal Statute on Harassment, which states communications may not be in “offensively coarse language, or any other manner likely to cause annoyance or alarm;”  
    • Promote activity or content that would be a violation of the William Paterson Student Conduct Code, Title IX Policy, Student Organization Policies and Procedures, or other University policies.  

    Materials with any reference to alcoholic beverages at events or establishments will not be approved for posting. The policy reinforces the University policy of prohibiting the advertisement of alcoholic events (see the Student Handbook for more information). Exemptions may be made for University Departments.  

    Statements contained in stamped posting materials do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Campus Activities, Service and Leadership, University Commons Operations, or the University. 

    General Print Material Posting Policies 

    • All materials must be approved by University Commons Operations and have an original authorization stamp and removal date.  Posting materials that do not bear the proper authorization stamp will be subject to removal.  
    • Materials will be stamped for a maximum of two (2) weeks.  Event promotion may begin four weeks prior to the event date.  Special approval may be given to extend the date of posting by University Commons Operations.  
    • Groups are permitted to place one flyer per event on each bulletin board.  Size may not exceed 11” x 17” unless authorized by University Commons Operations.  
    • All materials must include the full name of the sponsor(s) and all text written/translated in English.  Postings must include date, start & end times, if applicable.    
    • Materials are to be removed by the sponsoring group within 24 hours of the events end time. 
    • Only the use of thumbtacks or pushpins are permitted.  Use of tape and staples is not permitted on any surface. 
    • Posting materials on top of other authorized items is prohibited and will result in removal of unauthorized posting.   
    • Indoor easels are available on the day of the event.  These easels are commonly used to inform participants and to direct students and guests to the location of the event.  Exact location of the easels will be determined by the University Commons Building Manager.  Due to the high volume of events held in the University Commons, easels are not typically available to advertise events in advance of the event date.  Event easels must be requested through 25live.  
    • Posting of flyers, leaflets, signs and all other promotional materials is limited to designated bulletin boards.  Materials are not permitted on reserved departmental bulletin boards, doors, lounge furniture, dining areas, vending machines, windows, walls and glass surfaces or anywhere on the exterior of buildings, including cars, trees, etc.  Promotional materials found in these locations will be removed and disposed of. 
    • Copies of flyers and posters must be provided by the sponsoring organization.  University Commons cannot provide copies of flyers or posters to be hung around the building.  If you are unable to provide copies, digital advertising is available.  
    • Designated Print Material Posting Locations can be found on the University Commons Operations website.   

    Print Material: Flyers & Posters  

    Student Organizations & University Departments  

    • University Commons Operations must stamp all promotional materials publicizing events or activities by University offices, departments, and recognized student organizations that are posted in the University Commons.  Stamp will include the date that the posting must be removed.  
    • All events sponsored by Student Government Association clubs and organizations, including SAPB and Greek Senate, must be in Pioneer Life prior to advertising. 

    External Groups 

      • University Commons Operations must stamp all promotional materials publicizing events or activities by external groups that are posted in the University Commons.  Stamp will include the date that the posting must be removed.  
      • Advertisements by outside agencies may only be posted in the appropriately designated location within the University Commons and shall be handled through the University Commons Information Desk.  External organizations are limited to one flyer per bulletin board, which must be posted on a bulletin board within the University Commons.  
      • Additional flyers or locations for posting can be approved on a case-by-case basis (e.g. for external rentals and Pioneer Express Merchants). 

       Digital Signage: Flyers & Videos  

      • William Paterson University student organizations, departments, and offices are eligible to promote activities, events, and other university-related messages on the electronic displays located in the University Commons.  Each posting will be displayed for 10 seconds in a continuous loop during hours of operation.  To submit digital signage, please complete the form found here: 
      • All materials must include the full name of the sponsor(s) and all text written/translated in English.  Postings must include date, start & end times, if applicable.     
      • All digital posting submissions must be made to University Commons Operations at least five (5) business days in advance.  Failure to give proper time to post may result in the flyer not being displayed.  
      • University Commons Operations will not be responsible for the storage of any submitted postings beyond their scheduled run dates.  All files will be discarded after the last scheduled run date.  Groups wishing to re-run the posting will have to resubmit the posting at the later date. 
      • All postings must be in a format that is compatible with the digital signage software.  
      • The name of the sponsoring organization must appear in the graphic. Images are on screen for only ten seconds, so simple designs are best. 
      • Images should be high resolution images, not from the internet, that are not copyrighted. If an image is copyright protected, you must have permission to use the image. 

       Departmental Free-Standing Signage 

      • Shade banners (retractable banners), sandwich boards or any other free-standing signs cannot be considered permanent signage or bulletin boards.  Shade banners, sandwich boards, and other free-standing signs are permitted in designated signage locations for a maximum of one month.  Designated signage locations ensure that all walkways and hallways are safe and accessible.  
      • Departmental owned easels are permitted on day of events only and must follow the indoor easel guidelines (see General Print Material section).   
      • Free-standing locations are approved on a first come, first served basis.  To obtain permission, please complete the form: found here:  University Commons Operations will respond with approval, suggestions for new locations should your requested location be unavailable or denied.  
      • University Commons Operations will inform requestor via email if their free-standing signage interferes with building operations, poses egress issues, or has remained in the assigned location past their approval date.  Requestors will be given 48 hours to remove signage.  Signage posing immediate hazards will be relocated by University Commons Operations staff.  
      • University Commons Operations is not responsible for any damage to free-standing signage.  
      • Designated Free-Standing Signage Locations can be found on the University Commons Operations website. 

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    • Now Available! Digital Display Monitors in collaboration with Trooh Media
      • 1 monitor display Student Center 1st Floor 
      • 1 tower display Student Center 2nd Floor
    • Departmental Free-Standing Signange 
      • Student Center Ground Floor  
        • Hallway next to the Center Cafe  
      • Student Center First Floor 
        • Spandrel (space under the stairs) leading from the 1st Floor to the 2nd Floor 
        • Porcelain platform near the accessible ramp in the Food Court 
        • In front of the side columns in the main hallway - 4 (four) locations available
        • In between the columns next to the MPR exit stairwell (overlooking the Science Building)
      • Student Center 2nd Floor 
        • Student Center History Lounge 
        • Alcove next to the bridge 
        • 211 Lounge 
        • Hallway across from 202 to the right of the columns 
      • Student Center 3rd Floor 
        • SGA Lounge 
      • Ballroom Building 
        • Spandrel leading from 1st Floor to 2nd Floor 
        • 1st Floor - Window wall next to exterior doors 
      • Speert Hall
        • Transit Lounge 

    Approved promotional material can be posted at the following locations in the University Commons after an approval stamp is received:

    • Bulletin Board Locations
      • Student Center Ground Floor
        • 1 bulletin board next to the Campus Bookstore
        • 3 bulletin boards next to the arcade/entertainment center
      • Student Center 1st Floor 
        • 1 bulletin board next to the Men's Restroom 
      • Student Center 2nd Floor
        • 1 bulletin board next to 217
        • 1 bulletin board next to 218
      • Student Center 3rd Floor
        • 2 bulletin boards next to 319B
        • 1 bulletin board next to 324
        • 1 bulletin board next to 329A
        • 1 bulletin board next to 330
      • Speert Hall 1st Floor
        • 1 bulletin board in the main hallway
        • 1 bulletin board in the Dining Hall exit stairwell 
    • Light Up Display Location 
      • 1 location by the Center Cafe 
      • 1 location by the Arcade/Entertainment Center
      • 3 locations by Community Policing

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    Print Material: Flyers & Posters  

    Student Organizations & University Departments  

    • University Commons Operations must stamp all promotional materials publicizing events or activities by University offices, departments, and recognized student organizations that are posted in the University Commons.  Stamp will include the date that the posting must be removed.  
    • All events sponsored by Student Government Association clubs and organizations, including SAPB and Greek Senate, must be in Pioneer Life prior to advertising. 

    External Groups 

      • University Commons Operations must stamp all promotional materials publicizing events or activities by external groups that are posted in the University Commons.  Stamp will include the date that the posting must be removed.  
      • Advertisements by outside agencies may only be posted in the appropriately designated location within the University Commons and shall be handled through the University Commons Information Desk.  External organizations are limited to one flyer per bulletin board, which must be posted on a bulletin board within the University Commons.  
      • Additional flyers or locations for posting can be approved on a case-by-case basis (e.g. for external rentals and Pioneer Express Merchants). 

       Digital Signage: Flyers & Videos  

      • William Paterson University student organizations, departments, and offices are eligible to promote activities, events, and other university-related messages on the electronic displays located in the University Commons.  Each posting will be displayed for 10 seconds in a continuous loop during hours of operation.  To submit digital signage, please complete the form found here: 
      • All materials must include the full name of the sponsor(s) and all text written/translated in English.  Postings must include date, start & end times, if applicable.     
      • All digital posting submissions must be made to University Commons Operations at least five (5) business days in advance.  Failure to give proper time to post may result in the flyer not being displayed.  
      • University Commons Operations will not be responsible for the storage of any submitted postings beyond their scheduled run dates.  All files will be discarded after the last scheduled run date.  Groups wishing to re-run the posting will have to resubmit the posting at the later date. 
      • All postings must be in a format that is compatible with the digital signage software.  
      • The name of the sponsoring organization must appear in the graphic. Images are on screen for only ten seconds, so simple designs are best. 
      • Images should be high resolution images, not from the internet, that are not copyrighted. If an image is copyright protected, you must have permission to use the image. 

      Departmental Free-Standing Signage 

      • Shade banners (retractable banners), sandwich boards or any other free-standing signs cannot be considered permanent signage or bulletin boards.  Shade banners, sandwich boards, and other free-standing signs are permitted in designated signage locations for a maximum of one month.  Designated signage locations ensure that all walkways and hallways are safe and accessible.  
      • Departmental owned easels are permitted on day of events only and must follow the indoor easel guidelines (see General Print Material section).   
      • Free-standing locations are approved on a first come, first served basis.  To obtain permission, please complete the form: found here:  University Commons Operations will respond with approval, suggestions for new locations should your requested location be unavailable or denied.  
      • University Commons Operations will inform requestor via email if their free-standing signage interferes with building operations, poses egress issues, or has remained in the assigned location past their approval date.  Requestors will be given 48 hours to remove signage.  Signage posing immediate hazards will be relocated by University Commons Operations staff.  
      • University Commons Operations is not responsible for any damage to free-standing signage.