First Year Students

Information for First Year Honors Students

Welcome to the Honors College at William Paterson University!

As a first year Honors student, you will be able to take advantage of the following opportunities that will help you get off to a great start in college:

  • Honors 1000 First Year Research Seminar
  • Honors Peer Leader Program

Honors College Peer Leaders 2024-2025: 

Honors Peer Leaders are a group of upper division Honors students who serve as a support network for first-year Honors students and assist them with the successful transition from high school to college.

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Honors College Office Assistants:

Honors College Office Assistants answer the office phone, respond to emails, greet people in the office, and help plan Honors College events. They are a great resource for anything Honors!

Honors College Student Ambassadors:

Honors College Student Ambassadors are current Honors College students in various majors and tracks who represent the Honors College at University events and provide advice and assistance to other students. 


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Requirements for First Year Honors Students

  • Maintain a semester GPA of 3.25 or above.
  • Complete a cluster of Honors courses during the first semester (unless major requirements prohibit it).
  • Complete Honors 1000 - a one-credit guided research course.
  • Complete seven hours of civic engagement each academic year (September-May).
  • Attend at least three student presentations each year during Honors Week in April.
  • Attend one “All College- Honors College” meeting per semester.

How does the community experience continue after the first year? 

After the first semester, honors students are required to take at least one honors course per semester. In the first and second year, this is an Honors section of a University Core Curriculum class. Before the start of their junior year, all Honors students must enroll in an Honors Track (find more info on tracks here). Students will then take at least one Honors track course per semester until completing their thesis or project and presenting it to the university community during Honors Week 


Summer 2024 Orientation Overview

Honors Handbook 2024-2025

First-Year Student Information Packet 2024-2025

Honors Weekly Announcements

Honors Weekly Announcements are sent to Honors Students' William Paterson email addresses each Monday. These communications contain essential information, reminders, and upcoming events.

Honors Social Media

Follow our social media accounts for updates, event information, messages from students , and More: honorssocialmedia

Instagram: wpuhonorscollege 



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