Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs Resources

Student ATOD Services

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new. - Socrates

Substance Assessment Feedback & Education

The growth and safety of students begins with education and awareness. Our goal is to help students increase their level of education regarding their use, incorporate harm-reduction techniques, and to aid students in making informed decisions pertaining to their use of drugs, alcohol, or other substances. Assessment, intervention, education, and treatment are available for those students who have concerns regarding alcohol and drug use, or are seeking to maintain recovery.

Within this model we provide substance use assessments and treatment to students as either self-referrals, or referred by university administrators due to conduct/policy sanctions. An administration-based referral is intended to provide intervention for the safety of both students and the campus community.

A Substance Assessment Feedback & Education, also known a SAFE Evaluation, offers a clinical interview and use of psychometric assessments to provide personalized feedback. Some sessions may consist of urinalysis drug testing, pending clinical need. All students are provided with personalized recommendations and treatment planning, or if clinically appropriate, an offer of weekly individual psychotherapy by the Counseling, Health & Wellness Center (CHWC) or a referral for a higher level of care.

Privacy & Confidentiality

The CHWC maintains the strictest levels of confidentiality and ethical standards as it pertains to protecting student’s health information. Students referred from an administrative or student conduct representative at William Paterson University will be asked to sign consent forms for the release and communication of information to provide to the referral source both recommendation and verification of attendance. Similarly, students who are referred to higher levels of care outside of WPU are encouraged to sign consents for the release of information so that the University can provide coordination of care upon their return.

If you wish to have a SAFE Evaluation, or have any question concerning it, please call 973-720-2257 or contact Elizabeth Battiston, AOD Coordinator/Counselor at

SAFE assessment screening page 1safe assessment screening page 2


Alcohol101+ is designed to be a unique, interactive program to increase students’ understanding and awareness of alcohol, help them to better understand their personal drinking choices, how these choices impact others, and how to make changes, if they desire. We know that students are often faced with choices to drink alcohol and we aim to empower them to make responsible and safe decisions. Alcohol101+ is a requirement of all first-year students and transfer students with less than 12 credits.

How to Complete the Course

  • You will receive an email to your WPU email address providing you access to the course
  • The course can be completed from any wi-fi enabled device (computer, phone, tablet) 
  • Provide yourself approximately ONE hour to complete 
    • That's it! You're now prepared with the knowledge and tools to make the best choices for you. 

    Deadline for Completion


    • September 24


    • February 22

    For all technical/content issues, including being unable to access your account, password reset, being unable to see learning courses, or questions related to the material/content, please email:

    IMPORTANT! These courses are required and completion is tracked in the Will. Power. 101 course. Successful completion of Will. Power. 101 is a requirement for graduation from William Paterson University.

    Pioneer Lifeline

    William Paterson University takes the health and safety of our students seriously. We aim to reduce any barriers to our students’ access health and safety resources in the event of an alcohol or drug emergency.


    If you believe someone has overdosed, or is experiencing an alcohol or drug related emergency, immediately call 911 to be connected to campus or local police to access use of the Pioneer Lifeline.


    What is the Pioneer Lifeline?

    The Pioneer Lifeline is an emergency resource to access campus police in the event of an alcohol or drug related emergency or overdose.


    How do I access the Pioneer Life?

    From your cell phone call 911, or contact University Police via the Rave Guardian App.


    How do I use the Pioneer Lifeline?

    Follow these three simple steps:

    • Call for help (911)
    • Stay with your friend
    • Talk to the authorities


    Will I get in trouble?

    The simple answer is no. Governor Chris Christie instituted the Good Samaritan Law, also known as The Overdose Prevention Act, in May 2013, in an effort to decrease the amount of overdose deaths in NJ. Drug overdose deaths are now the leading cause of accidental death in the United States, exceeding even motor vehicle accidents among people ages 25 to 64. This law protects individuals from being penalized for contacting emergency authorities for help if someone has overdosed on drugs even if the individual calling for help is also using drugs, or there are drugs/paraphernalia in their vicinity. The law states that the amount of drugs must be enough to be considered personal use only.  The Pioneer Lifeline applies to alcohol as well as drugs, and states that campus police will provide assistance without penalty/prosecution as long as it is one other person and personal use amount. 


    I’m concerned about the use of alcohol or drugs for myself or someone I care about. How do I get help?

    As a WPU student, you have access to the free, confidential, and judgment-free services of the Counseling, Health & Wellness Center. Call 973-720-2257 to schedule a Substance Assessment, Feedback and Education (SAFE) Evaluation.

    pioneer lifeline

    Are you ready for a new, smoke-free you?

    The CHWC can provide a wide range of services to help you find the most clinically appropriate resources to meet your unique needs. We aim to assess your personal triggers, motivations, and medical considerations to meet you exactly where you are in your recovery journey.


    On-Campus Resources

    • Smoke-Free WPU

     For the most up to date information on our efforts to be a smoke-free campus, please visit Smoke Free WPU.

    • SAFE Evaluation & Screening

    The CHWC offers free, personalized, and confidential smoking screenings and comprehensive SAFE (Substance Assessment Feedback and Education) evaluation to guide you in identifying treatment options, resources, and interventions. Individual counseling services are available to those students interested in therapeutic support.

    Use the QR code or link here to get started with a referral for Smoking Cessation Services.

    QR Code for tobacco cessation referral

    Off-Campus Specialists & Virtual Resources

    • Hackensack Meridian Health

    Hackensack Meridian Health is a WPU partner in smoking cessation. Ask us for help in a seamless connection to a quit specialist at their Quit Center.

    hackensack smoking cessation

    • DecideText This is an NIH-funded study based at the Hackensack Meridian Health Center. The study is comparing two different methods to help Latino smokers quit smoking. Participants in the study will also receive free NRT. The study has been approved by WPUNJ IRB. Tel: 551.996.4242.

    • NJ Quit Line is a free telephone-counseling service for smokers who are ready to stop and can be reached by calling 866.NJ.STOPS 

    • Become an Ex is part of Truth Initiative® is as a free digital resource to help tobacco users quit, including an active social community, text and email messaging support, expert guidance and interactive quitting tools. 

    • Visit the Virtual Resources tab for more self-guided tips

    Self-Help Meetings

    Community-based self-help and 12-Step meetings can be a powerful component to healing and recovery. The links below provide information to nationally recognized self-help recovery and meetings, offering support both in-person and virtually.

    Campus Initiatives

    On-Campus Resources

    Counseling, Health, and Wellness collaborates with Campus Activities, Service & Leadership and other University partners to regularly host events which offer an alternative venue to students who wish to find entertainment that does not include drinking or using other substances.

    Campus Activities, Service & Leadership

    Follow CASL on social media @wp_CASL

    Download the CORQ App to find out what’s happening on campus

    Campus Clubs

    Check out the Student Government Association, Campus Clubs

    Campus Victim Services & Women’s Center

    Follow the Women’s Center on Instagram, Facebook, & Twitter @CVSWP

    Center for Diversity & Inclusion and the Black Cultural Center

    Check out the CID & BCC or visit in person at The John Victor Machuga Student Center, Room 214

    Recreational Services

    Follow The Rec on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & IMLeagues @WPRec

    Join the rec for Instagram life classes @WPRec

    Explore intramural and wellbeing programs offered by the rec

    ATOD Task Force

    The Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Task Force is a group encompassing all students, faculty, and staff, who are concerned about substance misuse at William Paterson University and its negative outcomes. Previously operating as the “Alcohol Task Force”, the task force has been reinvented to include campus-wide consideration of all substances, legal or otherwise, that may impact a student’s ability to succeed personally and educationally.

    The ATOD Task Force meets once a semester to discuss and initiate campaigns and activities that affect substance misuse both on and off campus. Prior registration is not required for participation or meeting attendance. Please follow our work on Instagram @WPPHA, our Peer Health Advocate social media account.

    For further information regarding the ATOD Task Force, please contact Elizabeth Battiston, AOD Coordinator/Counselor at

    Biennial Review of AOD Programs & Policies

    In effort to continually identify areas for improvement and determine our effectiveness and consistency of policy enforcement, William Paterson University completes a biennial review of policies, programs, and practices related to alcohol and other drugs.

    The biennial review provides an overview of the following information and resources, which have occurred during the past two years and biennial review period, specifically in relation to alcohol and other drugs:

    • Alcohol, tobacco, and other drug prevention
    • Enforcement
    • Treatment
    • Education
    • Support services

    The biennial review details William Paterson University’s plans to maintain our internal resources, outreach and prevention efforts within our university community, as well as our connections with the larger community outside the university, in efforts to address more recent trends and issues related to alcohol and other drugs.

    In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989 (DFSCA), specifically the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) Part 86, which requires that Institution of Higher Education maintain regulation requirements, annual notification, and completion of a biennial review, you may view the complete report or direct any questions to Eileen Lubeck, Psy.D., Dean of Student Development, Division of Student Development, at or (973)720-2450.

    The HERO Campaign

    The HERO campaign provides an organized ongoing nation-wide attempt to reduce drunk driving and promote the use of sober designated drivers. It was launched by the Elliot family in 2000 in memory of their son, John Elliot, who died at the hands of a drunk driver. The HERO campaign cause was picked by the William Paterson University's Athletic Department and the Theta Phi Alpha Sorority.

    Over the last ten years the HERO Campaign has been funded through the NJ Highway Traffic and Safety SAGE grant. The approximately $15,000 received annually through the grant has funded various events on campus such as Arrive Alive and the Save A Life Tour. Both of these events bring driving simulators to the campus.

    These programs provide students an opportunity to learn the consequences of driving while being distracted, or intoxicated. In addition, the HERO Campaign partially funded the salaries of the Peer Health Advocates, and supported their training. The Peer Health Advocates promote the Hero Campaign through outreach, tabling events, and workshops.

    The Peer Health Advocates work to assure that the HERO Campaign is adequately recognized on our campus. They consistently promote the HERO Campaign to student leaders. They assist with marketing the program and attend student group meetings, such as Greek Senate. Engaging these leaders in this way facilitates extensive cooperation in addressing substance use on our campus. It is our belief that the HERO Campaign message can reduce the number of drinking and driving accidents and fatalities. For more information on The Hero Campaign, please visit:

    United for Prevention in Passaic County

    United for Prevention in Passaic County is a county-wide coalition that seeks to engage all members of the community who are concerned about the problem of substance misuse in the county. Coalition members include students, parents, mental health providers, law enforcement members, and other prominent members of the community. The coalition works toward reducing the access and availability of drugs and alcohol to promote real and effective change in the county.

    Some of the coalition’s activities at William Paterson University include:

    Coalition meetings- The coalition holds four county-wide informative meetings at William Paterson University campus to share relevant information regarding substance abuse and recovery in Passaic County. Additionally, there are three coalition teams, the Action Team, Data Team and Communication Team, which meet on a regular basis and work toward meeting the objectives of the coalition as described in the strategic plan. The meetings are open to all and are attended by all major stakeholders in substance abuse prevention in Passaic County.

    Parents Who Host, Lose the Most Campaign- UPinPC works with parents using the Parents Who Host Lose the Most Campaign. United for Prevention in Passaic County will work to encourage and support awareness of the Social Host Liability Laws. This will be done by promoting the use of the Parents Who Host, Lose the Most Campaign in all sixteen municipalities. This campaign will function to create a county-wide message to parents that underage drinking will not be tolerated. Parents will also learn that serving alcohol to minors in your home is subject to criminal prosecution. Click here to find more information on the Private Property Ordinance in your town. Passaic County Private Property Ordinance database

    Project Medicine Drop- UPinPC will work to reduce the availability of prescription pills in Passaic County by collaborating with the New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs' 'Project Medicine Drop' program. This program allows community members to dispose of unused, unwanted, and expired medications anonymously, 7 days a week, 365 days a year at permanent drop boxes that are located within their local police departments. Passaic County currently has fifteen permanent off boxes situated all over the county.

    Teen Summit - The Passaic County Teen Summit is held biannually, in the spring and fall, with 250 high school students representing each of the 25 high schools in the county. This conference is sponsored by the Passaic County Municipal Alliances for Prevention of Substance Abuse, United for Prevention in Passaic County, the Executive County Superintendent of Schools office, and the Lindsey Meyer Teen Institute (LMTI). LMTI provides youth with leadership training, team-building activities and action-oriented workshops aimed at teaching community-level change strategies such as public service announcements (PSA) and photovoice.

    TIPS for Establishment training- This skill-based program is geared towards on premise (restaurant) and off premise (liquor stores) liquor establishments the knowledge and confidence to recognize alcohol related problems and effectively intervene to prevent alcohol related strategies. This is an ongoing training that UPinPC will provide for the community.

    For further information, please contact Sherrine Schuldt, CPS, CHES, at 973-720-3146 or email Further information can also be found at

    The More You Know...

    ...About Substances

    You owe it to yourself to make informed decisions about what you consume and add to your body.

    Have questions? Come see us - no question is off limits.

      • Alcohol: Unplugged
      • Cannabis: Unplugged
      • Stimulants: Unplugged
      • A Faculty Guide to ATOD Referrals